Attendees: Luis Buenfil, Bruce Madsen, Guillaume Miara, Sheena Shook, Karen Thomas, Marla Ushijima
Major topics of discussion:
BIM strategy services offered by small, agile consultants (such as Case, Ant Group, Ecodomus, Kimon Onuma) to design firms and owners.
Cobie data: clients hear about it and want it, but client project managers don't want to pay for it.
Particular software is less critical than the process it facilitates.
There's a lack of consistency among firms on BIM deliverables. Everyone in the industry has a duty to push standards forward. BIM makes it more critical.
Contract language is for BIM is critical. Project managers are wary because they're on the hook for money and schedule.
UC Berkeley offers no interdisciplinary training and no Revit. Schools that don't produce good interns with useful skills will drop off. Mentorship is crucial. SF AIA mentorship program offers 360ยบ, cross-firm mentoring connections.
Writing up meeting minutes can be facilitated by audio recording. There's an ipad app that records audio with bookmarks that are tagged to typed notes. Transcription is difficult due to background noise typically present; pretty much has to be done by humans.