Thursday, November 14, 2013


Attendees: Elizabeth Ashley, Geoff Bomba, Craig Goings, Mario Guttman, Bruce Madsen, Simin Naaseh, Joanna Pong, Karen Thomas, Marla Ushijima

Simin graciously hosted the meeting at Forell/Elsesser. Mario gave us a sneak preview of the talk he'll be giving at AutoDesk University next month, titled "Advanced Techniques for Managing Building Data in Revit"

Lots of systems out there:
  • BIM Link
  • WhiteFeet DataLink
  • Trelligence - Affinity - stand along structure, popular for health care
  • CodeBook popular in UK for health care, increasingly being used around the world
  • Nosyko - dRofus true internet solution, IFC graphics
  • Onuma Plannning System - true internet solution, more of a browser
 Conceptual Design and Building Massing

Formalizing the Space Program
Client Requirements (excel worksheet) > space program (access table) > Rooms List (access table) > BIM (Revit Project)

Linking Revit to a Database

Aggregate Planning Areas
Grouping of Organizational uses and Room types

Conceptual Design Process
Architectural Parti: identifying project constraints (site, etc.)
Placing aggregate Areas
Developing Massing
Add architectural elements such as walls
Validate areas
Creating Rooms
Validate program with the database at the room level

Room Data Sheets:
Numbering Rooms (previously database ID only)
Views of room

Supplemental Topics

Parent-Child family relationships
Site FAR Examples

Example Project

size of project threshold for use of database tools, more based on complexity of program, depends on tools in place and skill sets of available staff

use for MEP systems
applicability to structural? not immediately apparent; incredible amount of data for analysis if linked to the BIM model could be very helpful for real-time decisions. Analysis model usually separate from BIM model. Big interest from Jeff for linking data in Tekla and Revit models.

how do changes (from owner, etc.) work their way back into the model?
d rofus will log changes, identify discrepancies with program and reasons for decisions.

Structural engineers just getting into modeling rebar; tracking it can be helpful for cost implications Revit handles just spatial aspects.
Resistance from fabricators for modeling by engineers; they have their own methods and tools
architectural detailing is getting so critical

stuck in the middle between architect (in Revit) and contractor (who works in Tekla)
Tekla has a tool for importing Revit models

revit connects beams in unintended and undesired ways

anaylsis model doesn't require accuracy more than a few inches
Translation between Revit and Tekla model breaks down with repeated iteration

Copy/monitor is not used universally.

Slab edges - SAD? SSD?
slab edges, openings, depressions commonly modeled by both A and S

significant effort is required for 2D documents, is there movement to decrease graphic expectations? > It depends on the firm

Autodesk doesn't recognize value of 2D, just a slice of the model

In some ways drawings are worse, some ways better than ever in Revit. 3D detail adjacent to 2D detail.

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